Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a non-invasive way to stimulate healing and improve pain. We offer laser therapy for acute and chronic conditions, which include arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, wound healing, infections, post surgical incisions and dental extractions, etc.

What is a laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy uses a low-intensity laser or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to help relieve your dog's pain, as well as stimulate and enhance cell function, and improve healing.

Benefits & Use

- Increases the speed of wound healing
- Accelerates mitochondrial cell metabolism
- Reduces inflammation and associated pain
- Increases blood perfusion
- Reduces swelling
- Promotes bone healing

Cold laser therapy helps to encourage cell regeneration and increase circulation, which can benefit the following conditions and procedures:

- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Inflammation (i.e. Ear Infections)
- Wounds
- Post-Surgical Recovery
- Strains & Sprains
- Lick Granuloma
- Dental Procedures